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What Is Sclerotherapy?

Do you have spider veins on your face or legs that make you feel self-conscious? Have you been looking for treatments, but vein stripping and other surgical options seem too invasive? What if you could get rid of those webs of squiggly veins on your face or legs, and you didn’t need surgery to do it?

At Premier Vein Clinic, Dr. David Naar can help you eliminate spider veins for good with sclerotherapy, a proven solution that is easy, fast, and effective. 

What Can Cause Spider Veins

Spider veins are believed to come from the dilation of blood vessels close to the skin surface. They occur in areas where blood pools and fails to return through your circulatory system. Spider veins are most commonly seen around the cheeks and nose or on your lower legs, especially on the calves. 

While both men and women can get spider veins, they’re more common in women. They often show up as women age, if they gain a lot of weight, during pregnancy, or when they work on their feet a lot. 

Heredity and sun damage can also play a factor in spider vein development.  

Spider Veins Aren’t a Health Risk

Unlike their cousins, varicose veins, spider veins aren’t dangerous.

Spider veins are just damaged capillaries (the smallest veins in your body), which become visible through your skin as clusters of purple, blue, or reddish lines. 

Spider veins are flat, small, and rarely cause discomfort. In most cases, these thread-like veins are more of a cosmetic issue, especially since they often appear on the legs and face. 

Erasing Spider Veins with Sclerotherapy 

There are several potential treatments for spider veins, from weight loss, exercise, and leg elevation to compression stockings, laser treatment, or vein stripping. At Premier Vein Clinic, however, Dr. Naar recommends sclerotherapy as one of the most reliable ways to eliminate spider veins. 

During sclerotherapy, Dr. Naar uses a very thin needle to inject a medicated solution into your problem veins. This causes mild damage to the inside of the blood vessel walls, which causes the vein to collapse and seal off. After your treatment, your vein continues breaking down, and eventually, your body absorbs the remains and disposes of them naturally. This process typically takes about 3-6 weeks. 

In most cases, you can see results after just one round of sclerotherapy treatment, and you don’t have any downtime. If your treated spider veins were on your legs, Dr. Naar might recommend wearing compression stockings during the first week or two after your treatment.

For more information on spider vein treatment, call Premier Vein Clinic in Westlake, Ohio, or book an appointment online today.