Cosmetic Sclerotherapy

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Westlake, OH

Premier Vein Treatment in Westlake, OH

Varicose veins prevention, Compression tights, relief for tired legs. Beautiful long female legs in stockings

Cosmetic sclerotherapy is an effective way to eliminate the unsightly appearance of prominent spider and reticular veins. “Telangiectasia” is an umbrella term for thread-like, spider, and reticular veins. Many people have spider veins on their legs, and these embarrassing venous abnormalities force them to seek medical treatment. 

Spider veins are not the same as varicose veins, though they can occur in association with them. (1) Unless your spider and reticular vein symptoms fall into a specific category, they may be classified as cosmetic imperfections.

Spider and reticular veins can appear in various different areas of the legs. They are unsightly and difficult to conceal, unless you cover the area entirely with clothing. If you’ve been putting off showing your legs because of the discolored appearance of your veins, and if they are causing you distress, you may consider cosmetic sclerotherapy!

At his Westlake location, Premier Vein Clinic, board-certified vascular surgeon Dr. David Naar provides the highest quality medical and cosmetic vein treatments! Find out more about cosmetic sclerotherapy, varicose vein treatment, and other vascular issues, call 440-641-0433 or complete our easy-to-use online inquiry form.

Before and After Photos

Spider & Reticular Veins

How Do I Know if I Have Spider Veins?

Spider veins are:

  • Very fine veins
  • Less than 1mm in diameter
  • Red or blue in color
  • Visible on the skin surface
  • Found on the feet, ankles, calves, and thighs.

For comparison, varicose veins are larger (3mm or more), lumpier undulations of venous tissue under the surface of the skin.

What Do Reticular Veins Look Like?

Reticular veins are:

  • Larger than spider veins
  • About 2 to 3 mm in diameter
  • Either green-blue or purple appearance
  • Visible on the skin’s surface
  • Found on the backs of your knees, inner and outer thighs, or ankles

What Causes Telangiectasia?

Although the exact cause of spider veins and reticular veins is relatively complicated, the main factors are thought to be:

  • Genetics
  • Sitting for long periods
  • Standing for long periods
  • Hormone fluctuations
  • Obesity
  • Physical trauma

Sclerotherapy & Other Vein Treatments

The most common therapy for telangiectasia is sclerotherapy. (2) Sclerotherapy is a process by which sclerosant (a solution of chemicals) is injected into the targeted blood vessel, causing it to close shut, eventually minimizing its appearance. It shares some features with another vein treatment; chemical foam ablation –  although there are some key differences, including the kinds of veins they treat. 

Polidocanol-Based Sclerosant

Chemical foam is commercially produced under the brand name Varithena. Instead of Varithena, sclerotherapy uses a medication called Asclera. Both of these sclerosants contain a substance called polidocanol. Polidocanol is a detergent that disrupts cell membranes. One of the advantages of detergents is that their concentrations can be adjusted to match the size and type of vessel being treated. They can also be made into foam, as is used in chemical foam ablation. 

At the right concentration, the formation of micelles takes place. Micelles are spherical structures that help the body absorb lipid and fat-soluble vitamins. When the right concentration of sclerosant is injected into the vein, the micelles can then act on the cell membranes and damage them. This damage occurs within minutes of administration of the sclerosant. 

When polidocanol sclerosant is introduced to a vein during sclerotherapy, inflammation causes the vessel to swell, shutting down blood flow. Eventually the entire treated vessel scars over, and is reabsorbed by the body. In Varithena, the makeup of the fluid is CO2 and polidocanol. But, in Asclera, the mixture is liquid polidocanol. Another substance called sotradecol is used in cosmetic sclerotherapy as well.

Benefits of Cosmetic Sclerotherapy

  • Short treatment length
  • More aesthetically pleasing leg appearance
  • Very safe procedure
  • Usually requires multiple sessions. 
  • Highly effective results
  • Immediately noticeable
  • Can improve body confidence
  • Can broaden wardrobe options

Our patients enjoy significant aesthetic improvements with cosmetic sclerotherapy! Your unsightly spider veins and reticular veins will disappear with Dr. Naar’s specialized treatment procedure.

Candidates for Cosmetic Sclerotherapy

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of spider veins, reticular veins, or a combination of the two, you may be a good candidate for a cosmetic sclerotherapy treatment! You may not be eligible for treatment if you have: a sclerosant allergy, if you are pregnant, if you have an infection, if you have been diagnosed with deep venous thrombosis (DVT), or if you have severe arterial disease. (3)

Personal Consultation with Dr. Naar

Dr. Naar is a highly regarded Board Certified Vein Specialist in the Cleveland area. He has performed thousands of minimally invasive interventions and cosmetic procedures at his Westlake location, providing effective results and relief for his patients. In the examination room, Dr. Naar will ask you to provide the details of your medical history before conducting an examination. He will carefully evaluate the location of the veins, their size, and the extent of your condition. After this simple session, he will determine if sclerotherapy is the best treatment option for your circumstances. 

Book your consultation now with Dr. Naar! Call 440-641-0433 or reach us via our online contact form.

Preparing for Sclerotherapy

Unlike some other treatment procedures, preparing for sclerotherapy is very simple. Dr. Naar will advise you to follow pre-treatment instructions specific to your individual sclerotherapy plan. He may ask you to alter or avoid certain medications and supplements, or adjust your skin care regimen before sclerotherapy treatment.

Sclerotherapy Procedure

Dr. Naar starts a cosmetic sclerotherapy treatment by thoroughly cleaning the targeted area(s). After this, he carefully injects the sclerosant solution into the vein or veins being treated with an ultra fine needle. This irritates the wall of the vein and causes controlled cellular damage.  Different areas of the vein are injected to ensure that the sclerosant is distributed evenly, and that patients enjoy best results. Because blood flow is curtailed, over time, this damaged tissue will be absorbed by your body. (4)

After the injection stage is complete, Dr. Naar will apply a compression stocking. He may also massage the area to disperse the solution evenly.  Though it depends on the number of veins treated, cosmetic sclerotherapy procedures usually take a little over an hour

Recovery from Sclerotherapy

You will wear compression stockings as directed by Dr. Naar after your sclerotherapy treatment.  You will resume your normal daily activity after your treatment. 

Most patients who receive treatment at Premier Vein Clinic wear their compression stockings for 1 to 2 weeks. Additionally, the simplicity and safety of the procedure means you can return to work and most activities the day after your treatment!

Results of Cosmetic Sclerotherapy

Cosmetic sclerotherapy can successfully treat spider and reticular veins, rendering them virtually invisible and gradually removing it naturally over time. Most patients will see an immediate improvement in appearance, as the sclerosant changes the color of the vein once introduced. Multiple “touch -up” visits are usually required. 

Find effective relief and treatment for spider veins, reticular veins, varicose veins and more at Premier Vein Clinic! 


When should I see a doctor about spider veins?

If your spider veins are causing you distress – whether due to their appearance or due to pain, you should seek medical advice from a doctor who specializes in vein treatment. These doctors are known as vascular surgeons. They are highly trained to treat disease of the veins and arteries.

I have small, red veins on my legs. Are they varicose veins?

You may have spider veins or reticular veins. However, only a doctor can diagnose your condition. Seek a diagnosis and treatment from a board-certified vascular specialist.

Are chemical foam ablation and sclerotherapy the same?

Both chemical foam ablation (CFA) and sclerotherapy treat venous disease. Although CFA and sclerotherapy apply similar techniques, there are some differences. Sclerosant is the fluid injected into the vein to cause it to shrink and disappear.

Can spider veins develop into varicose veins on my legs?

Although they can both be present at the same time in the legs, spider veins do not cause varicose veins. A patient may have spider veins, then develop varicose veins, but this is because of the progressive nature of venous disease. Spider veins, reticular veins, and varicose veins can all be treated successfully by a qualified vascular surgeon.


  1. Campbell, B. (2006). Varicose veins and their management. BMJ : British Medical Journal, 333(7562), 287–292. 
  2. Nakano, L. C., Cacione, D. G., Baptista‐Silva, J. C., & Flumignan, R. L. (2017). Treatment for telangiectasias and reticular veins. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017(7). 
  3. Worthington-Kirsch, R. L. (2005). Injection Sclerotherapy. Seminars in Interventional Radiology, 22(3), 209–217. 
  4. Varicose Veins | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). (2018).