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How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins

The appearance of varicose veins is never welcome. Usually associated with getting older although young people are affected as well, the blood vessels visible through the skin of your legs are, fortunately, a superficial part of your circulatory venous system. Though some varicose veins can appear quite large, most of the blood moving through your legs and back to your heart pumps through deeper veins. You can treat the unsightly veins showing through the skin without endangering blood supply to your legs or affecting the deep veins.

The Challenges on Leg Veins

Those who remember biology from high school know that arteries deliver fresh blood to the body, while veins return blood to the heart and lungs to refresh its oxygen content. When it comes to your extremities, particularly the legs, veins work against gravity to raise blood back up to heart level.

For this purpose, veins have one-way valves built in to resist this backward pull, assisted by leg muscles that create pumping action from everyday motions such as walking. These valves, however, can start to fail for a variety of reasons, including age, pregnancy, being overweight, or having a job that causes you to sit or stand for long periods of time.

As veins fail, blood can pool, causing the characteristic swollen, gnarly appearance of varicose veins, or the finer, intertwined red webs of spider veins. Varicose veins can lead to complications like venous leg ulcers and increased incidence of blood clots, leg swelling and leg pain. For some people, the veins are essentially a cosmetic issue. However, in advanced cases of chronic venous disease, the complications can be disabling. 

Getting Rid of Varicose Veins

Dr. David Naar of Premier Vein Clinic in Westlake, Ohio, is a highly respected vascular surgeon, well-versed in leading-edge treatments of varicose veins. Depending on your condition, Dr. Naar chooses one of three general approaches to treat your veins.


Vein sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that injects an irritant into smaller varicose veins and spider veins. This irritant causes the treated vein to scar over, preventing all blood flow. Your body then breaks down and disposes of vein tissue. Over a period of weeks, the treated veins fade and then disappear.

Endovenous Ablation

Systems that deliver energy into the vein wall through the skin can be both radiofrequency and laser based. Varicose vein tissue absorbs this energy, which, like sclerotherapy, causes the vein to collapse for disposal by the body. Boasting very high success rates, endovenous ablation requires no incisions, and there’s no recovery time needed after your procedure. Simply return to your day and wait as your varicose veins disappear.


Another minimally invasive surgical procedure, microphlebectomy physically removes varicose veins from your legs through tiny incisions, typically less than one-quarter of an inch. These cuts are so small that they rarely require stitches. Though technically a surgical procedure, it’s done on an outpatient basis, so you go home the day of the procedure, which only takes about an hour. Recovery time is minimal.

Choosing Premier Vein Clinic ensures the finest in vascular care. Dr. Naar is a varicose and spider vein specialist, so you’re assured the most up-to-date standard of care. Call the office at 440-641-0433 or request an appointment using the online form. You’ll soon wonder why you waited so long. Contact Premier Vein Clinic today.